Loyce Atwine is the local Hatua representative in Kampala; Faith Yiamato Sawani is the local Hatua representative in Nairobi.

Faith Yiamato Sawani

Faith’s Hatua Story:

“When I first joined Hatua, I wasn’t sure what to expect from the work we did.  At first glance, it didn’t seem like much.  The charity is small, with only a few people working on it.  However, the principles we stand by are robust and alive, guiding our actions for the past 13 years.  What I’ve learned is that to bring about change, you don’t need to do many things.  Instead, choose one thing, perfect it, be consistent, give it your best effort, and then sit back and prepare, because change is coming your way.”


Loyce Atwine

Loyce’s Hatua Story: “When you educate a child you have educated the whole nation”.

”Hatua is the best thing that has ever happened in our slum communities of Kampala.

Over the years the slum people are looked at as the poorest community.  They are street vendors with a basket of vegetables and sweets or fruits on their heads.  Both children and parents are on the streets of Kampala to earn less than a dollar for food.  These people feed on one meal a day which most times is porridge and a slice of bread.  This is the best food they can afford.  These kids study from Government primary sponsored schools to attain lower primary education.  Most of them are very bright but they do not graduate to high school or college, and their parents cannot afford any level of education because of the vulnerability and conditions at home.

The Hatua program has so far supported 143 students from the slums of Kampala (as of June 2024).  All students on the program receive 90% of all they need for school.  From this opportunity we have students who have graduated from high school.  They have obtained small decent jobs and now they can give support to their siblings and parents, pay their fees at the University and take care of themselves with transport, food and clothing.

The Hatua work culture is friendly.  My personal work environment is very rewarding and challenging at the same time.  I am grateful that I got the opportunity to be a part of this program, and if I could go back to primary seven for Hatua to support me, I would do! I had the same story like these students and I personally know what they go through.

Hatua!  Hope for the hopeless.”